
Blocked Drains

Blockages in drains seem to be one of the most common problems in homes across Australia. With our specialised drain equipment, we can have your life back to normal with the confidence that we have provided you with a long-term solution. Some blockages can be due to something as simple as a foreign object having fallen down the drain and blocked the pipe. Other blockages can happen over time from things like tree roots searching for water underground, and finding their way through cracks in pipes.

24 Hour Emergency Service

We understand that sometimes things can go wrong unexpectedly and you might need to call upon an emergency plumber.

Thankfully our team of skilled plumbing experts are available for any emergency plumbing service or a regular plumbing repair across the Northern rivers. This means that no matter what time or day of the year you need our help, we are here to make sure everything is in order on your property.

We not only offer the fastest turnaround times, but also the smoothest experience possible, we are fast when it comes to responding to urgent jobs, and our team is fully qualified and extensively trained to locate and repair any issues most effectively and economically possible.

CCTV Pipe Inspections

Green Earth Plumbing uses a CCTV pipe inspection camera to figure out what’s blocking your drain. This is cutting-edge technology that is extremely accurate at locating recurring blockages and performing a thorough plumbing inspection. If a problem is found, we will work with you to resolve it with the least amount of disruption to you and the environment.

A correct diagnosis of a sewerage system problem is critical to obtaining quick and effective results – we understand that this is not a problem you want to be recurring. We can not only find the cause, but also the location, depth, and severity of the pipe damage or blockage. This allows us to develop a customized solution, and replace broken or damaged pipes with the least amount of mess, cost, and inconvenience

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